T4 gene 32 protein

REF : EG20129S

1 mg



    T4 gene 32 protein is a single-strand DNA binding protein encoded by the Rb69 bacteriophage gene 32. It has a molecular weight of 37 kDa and is an essential component for DNA replication and repair in the Rb69 bacteriophage. lt coordinately binds to and stabilize single-stranded DNA regions, playing a crucial structural role in the replication process. The protein is also widely used for stabilizing and labeling single-stranded regions for observation of DNA structure using electron microscope. T4 gene 32 protein can facilitate restriction enzyme digestion reactions, improve efficiency of reverse transcription in RT-PCR, enhance DNA polymerase activity, and can be used in recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) reactions.



T4 gene 32 protein (10 mg/ml)
100 μl


 Storage Condition


